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Dorothy Day

Today I completed this portrait of Dorothy Day, drawing it with a Wacom tablet in Photoshop. It's very unusual for me to create something completely digital from start to finish. In general I prefer to work manually, but using the computer seemed the best way to deal with the complexity of this illustration. (Image copyright 2009 by Julie Lonneman)


  1. Dear Julie,

    I really like your portrait of Dorothy!

    Jim Forest
    (author of "Love is the Measure: A Biography of Dorothy Day")

  2. Hi Julie!

    I was doing a little research for a piece that I painted of Dorothy Day and came across your work. Very nice! I studied her life while a student at Marquette years ago. Here is the piece that I did:

    Take care,

    Ron Kellow
    Columbus, Ohio

  3. Absolutely beautiful.


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