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Farm of the Child, Honduras

The letter below made my day. What else could I do besides send some art to Honduras?

Dear Julie,

My name is Erin, and I am currently a long-term volunteer with a Catholic children's home called the Farm of the Child in Honduras. I subscribe to Living with Christ (from Canada) and have been moved multiple times by your beautiful artwork on the cover. Today I decided to check out some of your other work on your blog and on the Trinity Stores website, and laughed when I realized that your work isn't unfamiliar to me at all - I graduated from Notre Dame in 2009, and worked twice as a mentor for the NDVision program, so I've been seeing your images of our models of faith on t-shirts and posters for years. I have also seen your illustrations on the LTP Year of Grace calendar, which some of my fellow volunteers had put in our some of the houses in our project earlier this year. I love your art, especially how inclusive it is, and how it invites creative, critical reflection on our faith and the gospel stories so many of your images depict. I sometimes have a difficult time entering into prayer with "traditional" Christian icons, but so many of your images really resonate with me, especially in light of my experiences accompanying the poor here in Honduras. Thank you!

I am currently in my second year of volunteer service to the Farm, and this year my work/ministry involves living with our young women in an apartment in the city of La Ceiba, where they work, study, and learn to (hopefully) become good, virtuous, loving people who are "productive members of Honduran society" (according to our mission statement.) My role is essentially that of house-mother - I serve as a sort of live-in-care-taker/social-worker/friend to them and try to accompany them physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually in those sometimes-turbulent teenage years. I wanted to write to you to let you know, first of all, how much your work has touched me, and secondly, to ask if you might consider contributing to our project by sharing your art with us. When I moved into the apartment with the girls this year, it was a pretty "sterile" environment, and little by little I've been trying to make it feel more like our home and less like an institution. A key part of our work at the Farm is fostering the spiritual development of our children, and in addition to making our home a little more beautiful, I think your images would also foster good reflection and conversation with our kids.

For more information on the Farm, you can check out their website at


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